St Queens Education Centre was started in 2014 to provide education to the most vulnerable children in the community, children in need of care and protection and the Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in our community to get free education which is their basic right. The number of children keeps on increasing and due to the current state of our classrooms and the small classroom size we have, it is important to construct better classrooms to support, accommodate and educate as many children as we can. Therefore, We are counting on you to support this noble idea.. This is an initiative to construct a bore hole for the school and the community and to built simple but better classrooms for the pupils at St Queens Education Centre. Most families in rural Kenya lack basic necessities of life; food, water and most children face malnutrition , Water wells and water boreholes will give access to clean water for the school children, the community and a neighboring community dispensary. Clean water eradicates water bone diseases hence a lower mortality rate among children. Near-by dispensary lack steady supply of clean water which is a danger for maternal health care service/ for women visiting the dispensary for child birth services and during labor. The Water Borehole and wells will be used by the community school and dispensary around, this will save more lives and ensure eradication of water bone diseases, improved school attendance and health care services in the community and schools. This initiative will serve a population of more than 200 household members. Our aim is to improve the lives of Children, Youth, Women and the most vulnerable in the community. Our goal is to;

  1. Construct better classrooms for the pupils which will improve school attendance and concentration in class
  2. Have bigger classrooms to accommodate and enroll more vulnerable children in the community to access free education which is their basic right
  3. We hope to drill water boreholes for the school and which will also be used by the local dispensary and the entire community.
  4. Access to clean water will ensure the elimination of water bone diseases hence good health
  5. Clean water will be used to water and irrigate plants and trees which will encourage environmental conservation and kitchen farming and planting of trees to save our environment and food security in the school.
  6. Children and pregnant women visiting the dispensary will be guaranteed of good services due to availability of clean and fresh water.

Long Term Goals

We hope to educate and support these children and ensure that they complete their education and also empower them with basic skills after completion. We will provide these basic skills by establishing:-

  • Community rescue and training Centre
  • Community Library
  • Community I.T resource centre
The aim is to introduce practical and technical skills like, Tailoring, Beadwork, Hairdressing, Computer Training and Entrepreneurship etc.As the organization we will also educate them on HIV/Aids, Children rights and invite counselors (psychotherapist) to educate them on matters affecting them like defilement, brutality, torture and guide them fully. We have also introduced adult education to members of the community, through it they will be able to learn how to read and write and incorporate it with ICT and entrepreneurship that will enable them market, budget, check on prices of goods online this will be possible because we will teach them the relationship between ICT and entrepreneurship.
