Learn More About Our Work And Our Cultural Activities

It is important to note that, most of the children live with their guardians. Single parent,Grandparents and lately the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) and not able to provide basic needs hence forcing some children to engage in child labor. Due to lack of facilities we only manage to accommodate only a few children and planning to expand to exceed our current number. Children learning at St Queens education Center have not been able to join public primary schools because of their poor socio economic background that makes it difficult for them to benefit from free Primary Education because they are requested for admission fee,desks (hidden charges imposed to them by school administration). Given that majority of children at St Queens Education Centre belong to this category; we still believe that children have the potential to become productive members of our society despite the challenges.

Long Term Goals

We hope to educate and support these children and ensure that they complete their education and also empower them with basic skills after completion. We will provide these basic skills by establishing:-

  • Community rescue and training Centre
  • Community Library
  • Community I.T resource centre
The aim is to introduce practical and technical skills like, Tailoring, Beadwork, Hairdressing, Computer Training and Entrepreneurship etc.As the organization we will also educate them on HIV/Aids, Children rights and invite counselors (psychotherapist) to educate them on matters affecting them like defilement, brutality, torture and guide them fully. We have also introduced adult education to members of the community, through it they will be able to learn how to read and write and incorporate it with ICT and entrepreneurship that will enable them market, budget, check on prices of goods online this will be possible because we will teach them the relationship between ICT and entrepreneurship.
